Happy New Year – January 2022

We wish everyone a very Happy New Year and hope you had a good Christmas. It’s been a positive start to 2022 here at the Kent ENT Partnership. We’ve been busy creating extra clinic availability for our private patients and working hard to provide educational training at various settings over the last few weeks.

We are delighted to confirm that we are increasing clinic capacity for our private patients. Mr Hone now has a weekly clinic at the One Hospital in Ashford – doubling his outpatient capacity and now has a regular operating list every 2 weeks. Mr Al-lami has been granted practicing privileges at the Spencer Private Hospitals and is keen to start a private clinic at William Harvey Hospital and Kent and Canterbury Hospitals in the very near future. He is also planning to offer a new outpatient clinic in both Sevenoaks and Margate for private patients. These should be up and running in the next few months.

Mr Hone organised a regional training day for the training ENT surgeons across London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex on facial plastic surgery. The talks covered topics such as skin cancer, Septorhinoplasty, ear reconstruction, facial nerve surgery, feminisation surgery and non-surgical treatments of skin cancer. Speakers came from across Kent and Sussex and included Dermatologists, Plastic surgeons, Maxillofacial surgeons and ENT specialists. The day received excellent feedback from everyone in attendance. Mr Al-lami was privileged to welcome the Chairman of the League of Friends (LOF) charity (Dr Catriona Irvine) to his robotic theatre to observe an operation and write an article in the League of Friends magazine. The visit highlighted the use of a product that the LOF had generously donated to Mr Al-lami and Mr Hone at the start of the robotic surgery programme.

Ali Al-lami with Dr Catriona Irvine (chairman of the LOF charity) with the Da Vinci Robot

As part of his role as an Educational Supervisor, Mr Hone has met the new group of junior doctors (General Practice trainees and Foundation year doctors) who started within the ENT department at the beginning of December and has set their training requirements. Mr Al-lami has enrolled in the University of Kent/Kent & Medway Medical School and along with Mr Sashi Kommu (Consultant Urologist) has commenced a multi-disciplinary robotic surgery student-selected component eight- week educational programme which has been very well received so far. Mr Al-lami continues to supervise Kings College medical students on their quality improvement projects for robotic surgery patients.

Mr Hone organised the regular monthly audit with Mr Al-lami in attendance. Among other topics, we discussed the publication of a new Tonsillectomy leaflet and the ENT emergency clinic. Our regular monthly managerial update included discussions concerning recent complex cases and those of educational interest.

We wish you a happy and prosperous start to 2022.