July news

Life as an ENT surgeon isn’t just about clinics and surgery lists. We allocate time to undertake further training, but we also host and provide training for other specialists and students. It’s been a busy few weeks!

Robert Hone went to Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust to observe a robotics list with Asit Aurora Consultant ENT Surgeon who established the robotics programme at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital and has mentored numerous surgeons during the early stages of their head and neck robotics programme. The day was designed to learn more about the robot and view how different clinical Departments set up their theatres and plan their cases which gives experience for our own future cases at East Kent Hospitals University Trust.

Robert Hone is pleased to inform you that he undertook his first list of cases as primary surgeon with Professor Vin Paleri. As these were his first robotics cases, they were simple diagnostic surgical procedures that have been performed numerous times. However, using the robot gains vital experience before taking on more challenging and larger cancer resections. Further cases have been undertaken at Kent and Canterbury Hospital which involved cancer resections and Mr Hone is now operating independently with the robot.

We have also been to the Griffin Institute at Northwick Park for a surgeons’ course on the Da Vinci Robot. This was a one day course to practice head and neck robotic surgery.  Robert has also undertaken the end of year assessments for 28 Foundation Year 1 students to assess their competency and progress them on to further training.  We strive to offer the best possible service for our patients and are continually updating our training and sharing our expertise with others.

Ali Al-lami hosted a regional training day on rhinology and the skull base. This is a day to train the Kent, Surrey, Sussex and London ENT trainees. It was an informative day with imminent speakers from the KSS deanery, London and Oxford teaching hospitals. These sessions help to ensure everyone is kept up to date.

Robert Hone has recently attended the BAHNO (British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists) meeting at the Royal College of Physicians.  This is an annual meeting bringing together healthcare professionals involved in the study and treatment of head and neck cancer. The theme of the day was healthcare inequality and the key note speech focused on changes to health across different socioeconomic groups, showing the largest changes in the poorest communities.