How much do you know about the thyroid gland and thyroid disease? We have published detailed information on our website about thyroid disorders and how we treat them. We want our patients to be fully informed ahead of any surgery that may be necessary and are available to answer any questions they may have prior to, during, or after treatment. Please read our thyroid gland page here:
In addition, Mr Hone has published a recent paper on National Thyroid Services which was published in Clinical Otolaryngology (the number one ENT journal in the UK). This paper recommends the frequency of thyroid cancer meetings, the recommended personnel that should be involved in the MDT and the minimum number of procedures per year per surgeon. The reference for this article is below. It is only available online at present but will be available in print shortly.*
These results were echoed in the GIRFT (Getting It Right First Time) report which is available the GIRFT website – GIRFT is a national body that advise on best practice within different specialities. A recent report into endocrine surgery, including thyroid and parathyroid surgery, suggests all surgeons undertaking thyroid surgery should be participating in the BAETS audit and performing over 20 thyroid procedures per year. Both Mr Hone and Mr Al-Lami are already fully compliant with these guidelines and are committed to undertaking best clinical practice.
*Selwyn A, David J and Hone R W A. The United Kingdom thyroid multi-disciplinary team: A national survey of services and comparison to guidelines. Clinical otolaryngology (2021)